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About Us & Our Story Page

Our Story


On October 9, 1988, the family of Messiah Lutheran Brethren Church began. This was not something that happened overnight. 

It became apparent prior to 1988 to a group of members from St. Mark Lutheran Church of the ELCA in Pemberton, NJ that there were basic doctrinal issues in the ELCA that the majority of the members of St. Mark's could not agree with or support.


Through months of Bible study, meetings with the bishop and other officials of the ELCA Synod, and most importantly prayer, the majority of the members of St. Mark decided to take a leap of faith and walk away from the ELCA Synod.

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Charter Sunday - October 9. 1988 - we joined the Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America (CLBA), which meant walking away from an established church property and parsonage.  But, God provided... Many people heard our story of faith and friends of Messiah, from around the country, provided tens of thousands of dollars to help our ministry. The Magnolia Road Church in Pemberton opened its doors to us to use their building to hold our Sunday Service, Sunday School and have room for Pasor's Office. 


Our next move occurred when our situation changed on Magnolia Road and we bagan meeting at Emmons Elementary School. Once again God provided... because of the many gifts that were received we were able to purchase hymn books and necessary things for the alter. Rudy and Alice Irizarry graciously 'loaned' their camper and each Sunday all our supplies were unloaded and loaded into their camper. Lore Amsden designed and made our beautiful banner "To know Jesus Christ & To Make Him Known" which made it seem like our permanent building. 


But God had another plan... The teacher's strike in Pemberton Twp. occurred and all township school buildings were closed. Once again we were 'homeless', but God provided. The Presidential Lakes Primitive Methodist Church opened its doors to the members of Messiah and we began meeting there in September of 1989. On May 30, 1990 we were able to purchase the building and on September 9, 1990 we had the dedication of our permanent home.


With that, we inherited, the choir robes, an organ and a piano, hymnals and bibles and the Sonshine Nursery School, which was a wonderful way for us to be a part of the community in providing a nursery school in Presidential Lakes. God continues to provide - we were able to pay off the mortgage on February 12, 2006.


Ministries have come and go as needs changed and our body of members have come or moved away. Messiah LB Church continues to 'MAKE JESUS KNOWN' in our community.


Our Pastors over the years have included: Our Partiarch - The Rev. Pete Amerman, the Rev. Rick Freese, the Rev. Michael Turcotte, and the Rev. Todd Anderson.  Currently Pastor Marlon Webb is our Interim Pastor.


To Know Jesus Christ And To Make Him Known

© 2024 Messiah Lutheran Brethren Church. Content, photos and Church Logos are property of MLBC. All Rights Reserved.

Email Webmaster  Dominic P Muscella

Looking for a church? Listen and Learn about Jesus, Messiah Lutheran Brethren Church Browns Mills New Jersey NJ with Pastor Marlon Webb, Browns Mills Churches, Pemberton Township Churches, Browns Mills Church, Burlington County NJ Church, New Jersey Lutheran Churches, New Jersey Church, To know Jesus Christ and to make him know, Children's activities, Listen to sermons from preacher, Listen to sermons from a Bible based Pastor, Do you  need prayer, have prayer requests, want to see our upcoming events in our New Jersey church, Christmas eve service, Christmas season, New Jersey Pastor Sermons and Scripture Podcasts, going through the bible in a year, reading through the Bible in a year, Scriptural sermons, Burlington County Christmas services, Burlington County Easter Services, Browns Mills Easter Service, Burlington County services, Burlington County Churches, To know Jesus Christ and to make Him known,

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